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Counter Narratives

The story of the counter-narrative or counter perspective is that the Korean war was detrimental to the two nations with over 2 million deaths. The Soviet Union, China and the US were not as involved as people may have thought. The nations believed their conflict as an inner war to be resolved by themselves, even while supporting them. Additionally, the Korean war was an influence on the U.S. 's, Britain’s, and the United Nation;s political and ideological questions around the world. Additionally, the Koreas never signed a peace treaty which means that people can consider them to have an ongoing war.

The counter-narrative is mainly about how the Korean war caused so much pain, suffering, and death to the Koreans. The struggle was a united one which made many other nations also ponder many political and governmental questions and beliefs. The Koreans were able to influence the image of the American president at the time Dwight Eisenhower to Europe since he was looking into unifying European forces Today, this can make us underestimate the impact on families and cultures who lost family in the Korean War. In reality, the Koreas were so majorly affected by the Korean War. Over 4 million lives were taken, and to remind you, 10.55 million people lived in North Korea and 19.22 million people lived in South Korea in 1950 (the beginning year of the war)!

Today, the often told story is about how the war took a small toll on the Koreas. Some even believe that the Soviet Union and the US mainly contributed to it. In reality, the Koreas were so majorly affected by the Korean War. Over 4 million lives were taken, and to remind you, 10.55 million people lived in North Korea and 19.22 million people lived in South Korea in 1950 (the beginning year of the war)!

Written By Demetrios Protopsaltis